Paul: Aram, what are you doing?
Aram: Oh, I’m reading Ask Science Sam.
Paul: Did you find anything interesting?
(a): Really? That’s good to know. but then I wonder how an elephant can be bigger than a mouse
(b): Yes. Here it talks about the size of cells (A)(너는 어떤 세포들이 더 크다고 생각하니) the cells of an elephant or a mouse?
(c): The secret lies in the number of cells. An elephant has many more cells than a mouse. If an animal has more cells, it will be bigger.
(d): Let me guess. If an elephant’s cell are bigger than a mouse’s, you would not say it’s interesting.
(e): Good guess. In fact, a mouse’s cells are as big as an elephant’s.
Paul: Ahh, that figures.