We all have fashion problems now and then. You may have a lot of clothes, but sometimes you feel that you have nothing to wear. You think your clothes are old-fashioned and boring. What can you do? Do-It-Yourself (DIY) fashion can be your solution. DIY fashion means that you make your fashion items yourself.
(A) DIY fashion is good in many ways. First, you don't have to spend a lot of money on new clothes. Second, you can have a one-and-only fashion item. Third, it is good for the environment because you don't throw away your old clothes. Just be creative, and make your own style.
21. DIY fashion의 의미를 가장 잘 이해한 사람은?(4점)
① Memo: I spent less money on my new hat because it was on sale.
② Mina: I bought my new skirt at a very cheap price at a flea market.
③ Sana: I created my own art design and put it on my old white T-shirt.
④ Dahyun: I found a T-shirt that is the only one in the world at a very small store.
⑤ Jihyo: I took my old jacket to a flea market and exchanged it with another cool jacket.