7. Which are grammatically INCORRECT ? (Choose Two)
① He seems a nice man,
② She has a sick daughter to attend.
③ The bus arrived and they all got in it.
④ I'm not prepared to discuss about this on the phone.
⑤ It always seemed as though they yould het married.
추가 핸드아웃자료에서 출제된 문제이다. 넓게 봐서 형식에 관한 이해도를 묻는 문제였고, 답을 2개를 고르는거라 학생들이 느끼는 난이도는 높았을 것이다.
①에서는 seem은 뒤에 명사를 쓰기 위해서는 like가 필요하며 ④번에서는 discuss는 타동사이기 때문에 about이라는 전치사가 필요가 없다.
따라서 정답은 ①번과 ④이다.
12. 단어의 영여풀이가 틀린 것 두 개는 ?
① Gallery: a private room where a painter, photographer, or designer works to make their artwroks.
② suggest : give details about something or describe it so that it can be understood.
③ Sofa: a comfortable seat with a back and arms for two or more people to sit on.
④ ready-made: prepared in advance so that you can eat or use it immediately.
⑤ product: something that is made or grown to be sold.
학교프린트 영영풀이에 관한 문제이다. 늘 영영풀이는 항상 시험에 나오는 문제이기 때문에 학교에서 나눠주는 영여풀이 핸드아웃은 필히 완벽한 암기가 되어야 한다.
정답은 ①번과 ②이다.
①은 gallery가 아니라 studio이며
②번은 suggest가 아니라 explain이 되어야 한다.
20. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은 ?
I was too young to understand Andy Warhol when I first saw his works. However, I learned a lot about him after I read some books about him. Several stories explain why Andy warhol often ate canned soup fromHe used to paint what he liked. At that time, Warhol often ate canned soup from a famous company, and he used it in his painting. He never worked for the company, but later the company found out about him and helped him in many ways.
① The writer is wondering about why Warhol painted what he liked.
② Warhol drew soup cans to make money for a living.
③ Warhol painted soup cans in his artworks because people liked familiar things.
④ The writer was so young that he couldn't understand Andy Warhol at first.
⑤ The soup company employed Warhol after he became famous for the painting of soup cans.
독해문제인데, 본문에 있는 내용이 아닌 [After you read]파트에서 나온 문제이다. 즉 교과서 본문 외에 추가적인 지문에 대한 꼼꼼한 학습이 필요한 것을 보여준다.
또한 지문 안에 해석하는데 중요한 문법요소도 포함되어 있어서 필기 전에 학습이 필요한 지문이었다.